A group of children running in a hallway.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)



Positive behavioral interventions and supports or PBIS is an evidence-based framework for preventing problem behavior, providing instruction and support for positive and prosocial behaviors, and supporting social, emotional, and behavioral needs for all students.

Schoolwide implementation of PBIS requires training, coaching, and evaluation for school staff to consistently implement the key components that make PBIS effective for all students.

SCSC collaborates with Southeast Service Cooperative (SSC) and Southwest West/Central Service Cooperative (SWWC) to provide service to districts in the southern region of Minnesota. 

We provide comprehensive training and ongoing coaching support to schools that implement PBIS.

Learn More About PBIS

Minnesota PBIS

Center on PBIS | What is PBIS?

PBIS In Our Region

Minnesota PBIS - Southern Region

PBIS Newsletters

Visit SWWC's PBIS page

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For more info, contact:

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Holle Spessard

Director - Special Education Services
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