A group of knowledge bowl kids posing for a photo.

Knowledge Bowl

Interdisciplinary academic competition for students in grades 5–12.


Upcoming Events

Minnesota Service Cooperative Knowledge Bowl

SCSC provides the Knowledge Bowl event where teams of students at the elementary (grades 5–6), junior high (grades 6-9), and high school (grades 9–12) levels compete by answering questions in a variety of academic areas.

Teams of students take part in one written and 3–4 oral rounds of competition in this interdisciplinary event requiring quick recall and team work. Questions are taken from the standard curriculum for the grades. Elementary and junior high teams consist of six students, and senior high students teams consist of five students. These teams participate in multiple invitationals, regional and state events (senior high only). Multiple teams per school are welcome.

For more information click here or email knowledgebowl@mnscsc.org


2024-25 Senior High Knowledge Bowl Scores and Results

2024-25 Junior High Knowledge Bowl Scores

2024-25 Elementary Knowledge Bowl Scores

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For more info, contact:

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Mary Hillmann

Student Academics Program Manager
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Leah Garry

Coordinator for Educator Awards and Gathering of Champions and SCSC Student Academics Support
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Cassi Wanous

Coordinator - Synergy & Leadership Exchange and SCSC Student Academics Support

