Barbell and water container alongside logo of Martin County West
June 13, 2024

SCSC Wellness Highlight

Preventative health is a cornerstone of maintaining overall well-being. Proactive measures, such as regular health check-ups, dental and vision exams, and biometric screening, are vital for early detection and management of potential health issues before they develop into more serious conditions. This year, the Martin County West (MCW) Employee Wellness Committee prioritized preventative health within its wellness program.

According to Megan Morgan, school nurse and MCW wellness coordinator, the Preventative Health Challenge was new to the MCW Employee Wellness Program. With health insurance premiums increasing, Morgan and the Wellness Committee wanted to help staff put their health first and support their wellness journey with preventative health.

The Preventative Health Challenge tasked staff to complete 4/8 preventative health screenings (dental, vision, biometric screening, vaccine/immunization, etc.). Staff who completed the challenge were placed in a drawing at the end of the year for an incentive.

The MCW Wellness Committee received positive feedback from staff as many expressed that it forced them to focus on their health and doctor’s appointments, rather than only focusing on their children and spouses.  MCW staff member, Kayla Zehms says, “I very much appreciate the staff that puts this together because I enjoy it!”

A workplace wellness program in an organization has become indispensable, offering many benefits for employers and employees. The SCSC Wellness Program is a dedicated initiative exclusively available to SCSC/MHC health insurance pool members.  We encourage all members to share their stories with us, as your experiences and ideas can inspire and enhance our efforts towards wellbeing. 

Contact us with your success stories at