Long-Term Disability Insurance


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Due to the complexity of Long-Term Disability policies and bargained contracts, it is commonplace for public sector groups to have gaps between what the contract specifies and the policy covers. SCSC's LTD insurance partner, National Insurance Services, is a specialist in public sector LTD benefits since 1969 and will help you identify any gaps.

Flexible Plan Features

  • Various definitions of disability: Total, Partial or Zero Residual
  • Variety of elimination and waiting periods
  • Unlimited mental health coverage
  • Benefit percentages up to 66% of salary
  • Eligibility below 20 hours per week

Optional Plan Enhancements

  • Medical Premium Expense Benefit: Attractive and inexpensive, this add-on pays the employee's medical insurance payments during a disability. When communicated to employees, this is a valuable recruiting and retention tool.
  • Lifestyle LTD Insurance: Helps employees maintain their lifestyle during a disability by increasing payments as the cost of living increases.
  • Employer-paid Step-Up to 85% Plan
  • Employee-paid Buy-Up Plans: If you have the core LTD plan with SCSC’S partner, NIS, you can add a voluntary buy-up plan that increases the percent of salary, increases the maximum annual salary, and/or decreases the elimination period.

Why use SCSC’s partner, NIS, instead of purchasing this product on your own?

  • Cooperation Pays: Cost of insurance rises as risk increases. Large groups have a lower price because risk is spread over more people. As a member of SCSC, you are a part of a larger group and can take advantage of rates that have been specially negotiated for SCSC members.
  • Policies Customized to Meet Your Specific Needs: Did you know that public sector insurance policies have little in common with the way commercial policies are written? What looks like a policy match may be a crisis waiting to happen. Since 1969, NIS's exclusive focus has been public sector business. NIS knows how to customize a solution, prevent claim issues and respond to your needs while respecting your budget.
  • World-Class Support: Your needs are met by the NIS service team which includes a sales representative, service representative and/or account representative and billing representative. Annual measurement of NIS' written customer standards show an average customer retention rate of 96%, placing NIS into a world-class category as compared with the industry benchmark of 84%.
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Wendell Sande

Administrative Director - CCOGA Advisory Services/Insurance Services

