Introduction to MnMTSS: Six- Session Course
This course is designed for district or charter school teams interested in beginning or enhancing implementation of MnMTSS. Teams will be introduced to the five components of the MnMTSS framework and will complete the Self-Evaluation of MnMTSS for District Leadership Teams (SEMI-DLT). Teams will also begin to gather other systems data through inventories (e.g., assessment, initiative, and teams inventory) and an MTSS Beliefs and Perceptions survey. The final session concludes by using the SEMI-DLT data and the MnMTSS Action Planning Guide to create a plan to improve equitable outcomes through increased levels of implementation.
Teams that attend these professional learning experiences are most successful when attendance is consistent and they have regularly scheduled internal meetings for planning between multiple professional learning sessions. We strongly recommend that you schedule these internal meetings as soon as you register for a course. Coaching support will be provided between sessions.
Attendees must attend all 6 days of workshop:
Monday, 6/9/25; Tuesday, 6/10/25; Wednesday, 6/11/25; Monday, 6/16/25; Tuesday, 6/17/25; Wednesday 6/18/25