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Special Ed Mentor Workshop

Wednesday, January 7, 2026
8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
SCSC Conference Center, 2075 Lookout Drive, North Mankato

Supporting "new" Special Education Teachers Workshop Series

This four-day series is designed to support mentors who coach Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 or Out of Field Permission Special Education Educators. The July, October, January, and April dates will provide just-in-time learning and networking opportunities to prepare mentors for supporting their SPED mentees. Topics for learning and discussion will include, but are not limited to, leading paraprofessionals, understanding district resources, supporting classroom culture in the special education and general education settings, IEP processes, and parent communication.

Audience: Mentors, Induction Coaches, School Leaders. District or site teams are welcome to attend.

Attendees are encouraged to attend all four dates: July 23, 2025; October 30, 2025; January 7, 2026; and April 8, 2026, but an option to attend individual workshops is available.

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