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Network Traffic Analysis

Monday, October 27, 2025
Wednesday, October 29, 2025
8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
SCSC Conference Center, 2075 Lookout Drive, North Mankato

This intermediate-level three-day (24-hour) course will utilize instructor-led classroom lectures and discussion in conjunction with hands-on computer lab exercises designed to introduce students to Network analysis tools and then allow students to use the tools in a real-world environment. Students will learn how to conduct traffic analysis on their internal networks by taking a "deep-dive" into network traffic analysis using Wireshark and other tools to identify regular and anomalous network traffic. Techniques taught will prepare students to identify network attacks by context and type. Students will learn about network traffic types, how to identify attacks against their networks, and how to identify internal hazards.  

PREREQUISITE: Two years of experience as a cybersecurity/IT professional is recommended. An intermediate understanding of network concepts, along with general knowledge of computer operating systems, is required. Experience with handling cyber incidents is preferred.

Registration will open in late August 2025.

More information about this training can be found at

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