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AI Training for School Leaders

Friday, August 2, 2024
9 a.m. – 12 noon
SCSC Conference Center

The South Central Service Cooperative is excited to offer a half-day workshop, AI Training for School Leaders. Invite your district's leadership team members to attend this event with you.  

What you will learn?

Hour 1:  How to position your district to leverage AI benefits while minimizing risks. Recommended AI approaches in education, including resources for student guidelines and policies. Utilizing AI as a tool for school leaders.

Hour 2: Hands-On — Learning how to use AI in Human Capital and Communication

Hour 3: Hands-On — Using AI to assist with student behavior, miscellaneous needs, teaching, and learning.

Presenter Information:

William Grube is the founder of Gruvy Education. He has collaborated with over 100 schools nationwide, and his work has varied from providing AI training to delivering keynotes.

Download the Event Flyer (PDF)

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Friday, August 2, 2024